If you want to make money online ... Make money from Google Adsense ... Make money from affiliate ... What ever?
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

What is advertising? Conclusion

Great copy is made, not born. It is derived from proven test results
designed to do one thing and do it well: sell.
Effective advertising doesn't always use "grammatically correct"
English. It uses short sentences, fragments. Like this.
It convinces you to buy, and buy now. Period.
It talks about benefits, not features. It sells on emotion and
reinforces the decision to buy with logic.

It paints a compelling picture and irresistible offer that forces your
prospect to act and act now! And if it doesn't, then you drop that ad
like a hot potato and go with one that does.
Effective persuasion is like your top salesperson--the one who
continues to break all your sales records year after year--on the job
24 x 7, multiplied by thousands or millions! Just imagine if that
salesperson, the one with proven results, could be multiplied as much
as you wanted.
Now that would be effective (and cost-efficient) marketing!
And that's the kind of proven marketing you need to employ.

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